November 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 2nd November 2021 at Tattershall Village Hall and remotely.
Councillors present were Mrs Taylor, Mr Coulber, Mrs Harvey, Mr Leggate, Mr Edwards, Mr Langley, Mr Eldridge, Mr Wadsworth, Mr Knowles, Mrs Dawson, D Cllr Mr Avison, C Cllr Mrs T Ashton plus clerk Mrs K Elliott and no members of the public.
7.17 pm
Public Forum: There were no items for discussion during the public forum.
The meeting started at 7.20 pm.
2021/093 Welcome & Chairman’s Report – Mrs Dawson, Chair welcomed everyone to this evenings meeting and thanked the council members for putting up the remembrance poppies, which have been mentioned on Lincs FM. There were lots of activities in the parish over the weekend including the Lincolnshire Heritage mobile vehicle and they were well supported in spite of the bad weather. The chair also advised that she had done her CSW training and was looking forward to getting out with the CSW team; there is further online training available in December. The approved sites are to be shared with CD and GS/DS are to be advised of the new volunteer. CD raised the topic of grass cutting and what are the parish council going to do, is a parish councillor prepared to take responsibility for being the point of contact for the council with the contractor or are we to end the contract. There are areas at Clinton Park for instance where cars have been parked that have not been cut and also the level of service we have received this year has been substandard. Members discussed having paid for work that has not actually been done, whether we can choose not to pay and what alternatives are available to us. It was also discussed that a separate contract may be required for Tattershall Thorpe and it was resolved for this to be put on the December agenda for further discussion.
2021/094 Apologies – The parish clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons given have been received from D Cllrs S Avison & M Foster and parish councillors Mrs Knowles, Mr Keeling and Mr Brown and it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence being accepted.
2021/095 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – there were none.
2021/096 To approve as a correct record the Notes of the meetings of the Council – It was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting held on 5th October 2021 having been previously circulated were approved as a true record of the minutes, CD signed and dated. It was noted that the suggested names for Blacksmiths Corner had been rejected by ELDC.
2021/097 Reports from District and County Councillors, Police and any other outside agencies – D Cllrs had given apologies for tonight’s meeting and the Police newsletter has been previously circulated electronically. Mr Ashton arrived at 8pm and advised that the Lincs Transport plan is up for review and there is an ongoing consultation, the upgraded Holdingham roundabout will be open in December. A feasibility study is being undertaken to see if the A17/A46 corridor could be dualled; also the A16 corridor there is a £20 million levelling up fund to improve the Endeavour and Sutton roundabouts. We are one of this country’s most important areas for food production and it is challenging to move about Lincolnshire. Radioactive waste Management at Theddlethorpe has been on the news recently and there is concern and hostility towards this, a local referendum will make the decision. ELDC and LCC will provide the facts for the local residents. There may be funding available which could assist with flood defence costs. The restoring your railway bid was unsuccessful. The County Council planning application for oil drilling at Biscathorpe has been declined but the planning director will ultimately make the decision. Two trailer mounted flood pumps have been purchased by LCC and are available for the use of the resilience forum and will be looked after by the Fire Services to be deployed as and where needed. The internal Drainage Boards will not be able to use red diesel from next year, this will increase costs by 50%. TA is working with the local MP on this matter to try and stop this change. TA confirmed that the Traffic Regulation Order has been submitted with TA’s support and we now wait for LCC to report on this.
Questions from councillors – school children from Tattershall Bridge who would like to go to school in Sleaford but not the catchment school (QEGS). A bus is needed from this area to Sleaford and TA agreed to investigate this. Wheels 2 Work information was also provided.
2021/098 To Co-opt – the clerk confirmed that there had been no expressions of interest. Notices will be placed on the public notice boards again and on our social media.
2021/099 Clerks report on correspondence and matters outstanding:
a) Damaged notice board – the clerk advised that the work has been completed and the invoice is being sent.
b) Market Place Improvements update – Lighting: the clerk is having an ongoing conversation with the contractor and quotes have been requested. Those present discussed the amount of street furniture in the Market place already and where the proposed new planters could be placed.
c) Freedom of Information request – the clerk is to chase acknowledgement of our letter.
d) Unity Land at Lodge Road – This matter is being investigated by ELDC enforcement.
e) Dates for meetings in 2022 – these will be held on the first Tuesday of the month excluding January and August.
f) Lincolnshire Local Listing – SC has provided a list of the potential sites in Thorpe and the clerk will submit these and some others as suggested for Tattershall.
g) Clear up leaves – it was agreed to have a clearing up session on Monday 22nd November starting at 12 noon and green ELDC bags will be used. Wombles will be asked to help with this task.
2021/0100 Welcome Back Fund (ELDC) – the clerk asked for clarity on where the two new planters should be located and this will be decided at the December meeting. Options include the Market Place, Cromwell Place and the corner of Butts Lane.
2021/0101 Proposal to plant a tree for the Jubilee – a site meeting is to take place on 17th November with LT and LCC Arborist.
2021/0102 Community Speed Watch -
a) CSW report – there has been no activity since the last meeting.
b) TRO request – this has been submitted and we now have to wait for a response from LCC.
2021/0103 Complaints Procedure – This has been agreed and circulated to all; a copy has been placed on the parish council website.
2021/0104 Committees –
a) Volunteer to be on Personnel Committee – NB has confirmed that he is willing to be on this committee.
b) Regular Committee meetings – the clerk confirmed that the Finance & General Purposes committee meets annually to agree the budget and precept; the Public Amenities Committee also meet annually to agree the Manning Trophy winner however the Planning Committee have not met for a long time. Those present discussed the options and the unpredictability of planning applications being submitted. However in conclusion it was decided to continue as we are for the time being.
c) Planning Committee – terms of reference have not been circulated and so this matter will be deferred to the December meeting.
2021/0105 Highways Matters
a) Pauls Lane Closure – We have not been consulted on this closure which will not be for the whole time of the dates supplied.
2021/0106 Planning Matters –
a) S/176/02165/21 – The clerk will respond with councillor’s comments before the deadline of 11th November.
2021/0107 Financial Matters: to authorise the approval of BACS payments and to note income and expenditure for this month.
a) Payment of Accounts – as per the circulated document and bank reconciliation, the clerk confirmed that expenditure for the Poppy wreathes is now £75 and for the month totalled £1,758.65 including vat and there was NIL income for this month.
b) Items for budget 2022-2023 – were requested.
c) Remove of J Stanley - the clerk will print the required bank mandate forms for completion at the F & GP Meeting.
It was confirmed that the event poppies will be taken down on 22nd November.
2021/0108 Reports from Outside meetings – N Langley advised that he should have attended the LALC AGM & Conference however his car had broken down on the way there.
2021/0109 Items for next agenda were requested – The appointment of an internal auditor is to be agreed at the next meeting.
a) Full Council Meeting – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that this will be held on Tuesday 7th December 2021, at 7.15pm.
b) Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting – Tuesday 16th November 2021 at 7pm.
It was confirmed that the Large Tree and Christmas lights will be put up on Saturday 27th November from 9am. All the lights have been PAT tested. The official switch on will take place on Thursday 2nd December at 6pm. C Cllr Mr T Ashton is switching on the lights and local primary school children are to be asked to sing.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting and there being no further business the meeting closed at 9.01 pm.