April 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the remote Parish Council Meeting of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th April 2021.
Councillors present on Zoom forum were Mr Coulber, Mr Brown, Mr Wadsworth, Mr Eldridge, Mrs Dawson, Mr Edwards, Mrs Harvey, Mr Knowles, Mr Keeling, Mr Langley, Mr Leggate, Mrs Knowles, D Cllr Mr Foster and C Cllr Mr Ashton plus clerk Mrs K Elliott. One member of the public was also present.
7.15 pm
Public Forum: There was no public forum.
The meeting started at 7.15 pm.
2021/389 Welcome & Chairman’s Report – NB welcomed everyone to this evenings meeting.
2021/390 Apologies – The parish clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons given have been received from District Councillor Mr Avison plus Mrs Taylor and it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence being accepted. No response has been received from Mr Stanley.
2021/391 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – there were none.
2021/392 To approve as a correct record the Notes of the meetings of the Council – It was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting held on 2nd March 2021 having been previously circulated were approved as a true record of the minutes, NB signed and dated.
2021/393 Reports from District and County Councillors, Police and any other outside agencies – SA sent his report electronically noting that Kirkby Lane potholes have been repaired, the pothole on Cromwell Place has still not been sorted but will be chased along with Lodge road. Mr Foster reported that all the car parking machines have been replaced, there have been some teething issues as the instructions are different. No prices have been increased. ELDC are trying to get away from cash payments. Please read the instructions on the display screen. The glass collection/recycling bins are filling up quickly and residents are asked to be patient whilst the bins are emptied.
TA joined the meeting at 7.30pm and noted that he does not have a lot to report as we are moving towards elections. He hopes to hold a meeting with the new land owners for the Clinton Park footpath Link and ELDC planning officers in the next few weeks. The Hunters Lane footpath has been brought forward to next year for improvements. With regard to the new recycling site, TA has spoken to the neighbours and the County Council are to apply for planning in the near future. TA will monitor this over the next few weeks and the usual consultation process will take place. Stringent environmental controls will be in place when or if this site is used. Questions were asked if the tip would return to tuning up anytime rather than booking in online and TA confirmed that he is favour of residents being able to turn up without booking and MF confirms that he will also push to change back to pre-Covid rules however Lincs Waste Partnerships would prefer to keep it as the book online system. Further questions asked about the Lodge Road litter pick and MF confirmed that the ELDC street scene team will carry out this, but there is no fixed date. [TA left at 7.50pm]
2021/394 To Co-opt – the clerk confirmed that there had been no expressions of interest.
2021/395 Manning Trophy – the Public Amenities committee has met earlier this evening and discussed the nominations received for the Manning Trophy this year. This year The Manning Trophy will be awarded to Mrs Jean Newholm for her work as bookings secretary for Tattershall village hall.
2021/396 Clerks report on correspondence and matters outstanding:
a) Market Place Improvements – the clerk is chasing the officers at ELDC with regard to bollards and lighting.
b) Donation for work done to website – There is a budget of £1000 for this year and it was agreed to donate £100 for the work done with the parish council website.
c) Tattershall Village Hall Committee – the parish council representative on the village hall committee is to be Mr N Langley.
d) To approve costs for installing a base for the planter – the estimated costs are £190 and this was RESOLVED.
e) Tattershall Castle – the clerk briefly outlined the new contact and proposals for working together.
2021/397 Coningsby & Tattershall Wombles
a) Volunteer Activity - CD provided an update, confirming that a risk assessment has been done and guidelines issued along with litter picking equipment and Hi-Viz to all volunteers. There are lots of volunteers and a WhatsApp and Facebook groups have been set up. The villages are looking a lot better as a result of the hard work of our volunteers. Questions were raised about a bag of litter that has been left next to a bin in Tattershall Thorpe and it was confirmed that all bags will be collected by ELDC when they are emptying the public bins. MF would like to thank all volunteers for their community efforts and for the coordination with ELDC officers. Please emphasise to all volunteers to stay safe and not do Lodge Road.
b) Grit Bin – the clerk outlined the background to this request and following discussion it was RESOLVED not to put a lock on this grit bin. The litter has now been removed and more grit can be put in to the grit bin.
2021/398 Love Tattershall – CD was able to update everyone on the newly launched Love Tattershall Passport which will lead visitors on a trail around our parish including children’s activities. So far this has been downloaded over 100 times.
2021/399 Emergency Plan
a) Update – as provided in an update by email this morning CD and MK are interested in being involved with this project.
b) To replace sand bags – following discussion it was RESOLVED to purchase a box and 100 polyprop sand bags to replace those that have deteriorated.
2021/400 Proposed New Household Waste Recycling Centre – This matter was discussed earlier in TA’s report, we are waiting for the planning application consultation. There are concerns over car parking and site access.
2021/401 Community Speed Watch -
a) CSW report – DE advised that one session has been done since the lockdown restrictions were lifted.
b) Police Panel report – there have not been any meetings.
c) Lodge Road – A request has been made for an Archers Survey between 39 & 41 Lodge Road and also the meeting discussed the 30 mph signs, the clerk will ask LCC and TA whether these signs can be upgraded.
2021/402 Clinton Park Link –
a) Update- TA has provided an update during his County Councillors report earlier this evening. It is hoped that the meeting with the landowners will be positive.
b) Decision on future maintenance of this link – this will be added to a future agenda.
2021/403 ELDC Local Plan Consultation – The consultation closes next week and the meeting discussed the various options which are available. This will decide the housing in our district for the next 5 years. Rural developments need to take place and not just along the coast. There are 7 major settlements in the current local plan, which will get the major developments. The Environment Agency Flood Risk plans affect Tattershall and it would be good to submit something to the consultation. The options include inland and coastal split, no split in development and no difference between inland and coastal. Members discussed social housing and natural infill, possible sites including the Willows Estate land. We need to present a coherent response to the district council, however individuals can respond as well as the parish council. NB encouraged members to take part in this consultation.
2021/404 Planning Matters –
a) S/175/00481/21 – Land at Telephone exchange, Hunters Lane. Please send your responses to the clerk at your earliest convenience.
b) S/175/01965/20 – FPP has been given for former 22 Market Place, Tattershall.
2021/405 Financial Matters: to authorise the approval of BACS payments and to note income and expenditure for this month.
a) Payment of Accounts – as per the circulated document and bank reconciliation, the clerk confirmed that expenditure for the month totalled £1,584.66 plus vat which includes purchasing two Tommie’s for display in the parish to commemorate VE Day anniversary and there was NIL income for this month.
2021/406 Reports from Outside meetings – There have been no meetings to attend.
2021/407 Items for next agenda were requested;
a) Full Council Meeting – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that this will be held on Tuesday 4th May 2021, at 7.15pm and will be held remotely by Zoom.
b) Annual Parish Meeting Tattershall – will be held on Tuesday 4th May from 6 pm via Zoom.
c) Annual Parish Meeting Tattershall Thorpe – will be held on Wednesday 5th May from 7pm via Zoom.
The meeting discussed the resumption of face to face meetings and the clerk confirmed that as yet no further guidance has been received from NALC and LALC. The June agenda will include the possible resumption of face to face meetings, hopefully more information will be available by this time.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting and there being no further business the meeting closed at 8.48 pm.