March 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the remote Parish Council Meeting of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 2nd March 2021.
Councillors present on Zoom forum were Mr Coulber, Mr Brown, Mr Wadsworth, Mr Eldridge, Mrs Dawson, Mr Edwards, Mrs Harvey, Mr Knowles, Mr Keeling, Mr Langley, C Cllr Mr Ashton plus clerk Mrs K Elliott. One member of the public was also present.
7.15 pm
Public Forum: The public forum received the report from the County Councillor.
The County Councillors report followed: TA advised that the county business over the last month has included setting the budget for the year, there has only been an increase in the Social Care provision. They have also discussed the pros and cons of solar farms on agricultural land. TA has been in contact with a resident who is nearest to the proposed new site for the Household Waste Recycling centre and TA is happy to represent our views and concerns on this matter. It is not a done deal and will come before ELDC planning. TA also confirmed that he is continuing to talk to the landowner with regard to the footpath link and land, a site meeting is required and TA will move things along as best he can.
DE advised that there is a lot of litter on Lodge Road, between the scrap yard and Tattershall Road, this is a problem which is getting worse on a dangerous 60mph road; please can we request that a Team from ELDC who are appropriately trained carry out this clean up. Members then discussed the overhanging branches and the clerk advised of the conversation with LCC Highways and limited budget for this work. Could the land owner be contacted? The clerk will contact the landowners and also check with our insurers with regard to provision and cover for volunteer litter pickers.
CD provided background information to the current volunteer litter pickers and details of the joint scheme which has been set up with Coningsby Town Council. All volunteers have been provided with a copy of the guidance and Risk Assessment documents as well as litter pickers, bags and Hi Viz waistcoats. Volunteers are to be requested not to litter pick on 60mph roads and to wear hi viz when litter picking.
The meeting started at 7.40 pm.
2021/364 Welcome & Chairman’s Report – NB thanked all those involved in the snow gritting around the parish and to CD for coordinating the volunteers, hopefully this will not be needed again this year.
2021/365 Apologies – The parish clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons given have been received from District Councillors Mr Avison and Mr Foster plus Mr Leggate, Mrs Knowles and it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence being accepted. Mrs Taylor is having difficulty accessing the online meetings and no response has been received from Mr Stanley.
2021/366 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – there were none.
2021/367 To approve as a correct record the Notes of the meetings of the Council – It was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting held on 2nd February 2021 having been previously circulated were approved as a true record of the minutes, NB signed and dated.
2021/368 Reports from District and County Councillors, Police and any other outside agencies – The District Councillors reports had been sent electronically; SA noted that he has reported pot holes on Kirkby Lane and Cromwell Place. MF advised that bin collections are back on track as are the glass collection contractor. County Councillor Mr Ashton confirmed that he will investigate the litter and verge issues.
2021/369 To Co-opt – the clerk confirmed that there had been no expressions of interest.
2021/370 Clerks report on correspondence and matters outstanding:
a) Snow Plan – this document has been circulated prior to the meeting and there were no amendments to be made, LCC have confirmed that more grit is to be made available in the summer.
b) Grass Cutting Agreement – as in previous years this parish agreement has been signed for the 2021-2022 cutting season with LCC.
c) Market Place Improvements – following discussion it was resolved for the clerk to ask for a breakdown of what has been spent on the works completed and also to request the information on the lighting quotes.
d) Manning Trophy – councillors were advised that one nomination has been received and that the Public Amenities Committee would consider all nominations at the meeting which will be held from 6pm on 6th April 2021.
e) Donation for work done to website – The councillors considered this proposal and resolved to defer any decision until the start of the new financial year, at the April meeting.
2021/371 To consider proposal for new tip in Tattershall – the meeting discussed the proposal and as no further details have been received we are in no position to comment.
2021/372 To consider concrete base for new planter – the clerk will contact the Lord of the Manor for permission to install this base and also to organise a contractor to carry out this work.
2021/373 To adopt Terms of Reference for Personnel Committee – having been previously circulated it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to adopt these terms.
2021/374 Community Speed Watch -
a) CSW report – has been suspended during lockdown.
b) Police Panel report – there have not been any meetings.
2021/375 Clinton Park Link –
a) Update- TA has provided an update during his County Councillors report at the beginning of the meeting. The clerk also provided information from the Footpaths Officer at LCC with regard to the definitive
b) Decision on future maintenance of this link – this will be added to a future agenda.
2021/376 Christmas Lights 2020 – as per the circulated document the members discussed the costs and proposals for 2021. NB and CD declared their interest as local businesses which support the scheme. The proposed increase would be £20 per tree and following discussion it was RESOLVED to defer this matter to the October meeting.
2021/377 Parish Online Subscription – those present discussed the proposal to subscribe to this digital mapping service and it was RESOLVED not to take up this subscription.
2021/378 ELDC Local Plan Consultation – The consultation is open from 15th February until 12th April and is updating the Local Plan with developments being divided between the inland and coastal areas. NB asked every councillor to read this and acquaint themselves with this. This matter will be on the April agenda for a response to be collated. This document will have significant implications district wide.
2021/379 Planning Matters –
a) S/175/00095/21 – 43A High Street, Tattershall – construction of dropped kerb. Councillor’s responses were requested before the deadline of 4th March.
b) S/176/02335/20 FPP Given. Oak Tree Cottage, North Road, Tattershall Thorpe.
c) S/175/00282/21 – 1 & 2 Castle Cottages, Sleaford Road - Councillors responses were requested before the deadline of 15th March.
d) S/175/00298/21 – 1 & 2 Castle Cottages, Sleaford Road - Councillors responses were requested before the deadline of 15th March.
2021/380 Financial Matters: to authorise the approval of BACS payments and to note income and expenditure for this month.
a) Payment of Accounts – as per the circulated document and bank reconciliation, the clerk confirmed that expenditure for the month totalled £3,851.22 plus vat which includes purchase and installation of one new bench and two new bins and there was NIL income for this month.
As per the circulated email today from the clerk the members discussed the purchase of 2 Tommy’s to commemorate the anniversary of VE day. The clerk and RFO will confirm if sufficient funds are available after this meeting. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to place an order for two free standing Tommy’s at £350.00
2021/381 Reports from Outside meetings – SC has attended the East Midlands in Bloom virtual AGM, the competition will happen this year however arrangements will be different to previous years.
2021/382 Items for next agenda were requested;
a) Full Council Meeting – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that this will be held on Tuesday 6th April 2021, at 7.15pm and will be held remotely by Zoom.
b) Public Amenities Committee – will be held on Tuesday 6th April from 6.30 pm via Zoom.
The meeting discussed the resumption of face to face meetings and the clerk confirmed that as yet no further guidance has been received from NALC and LALC. The regulations that permit the holding of virtual meetings run out on 7th May.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting and there being no further business the meeting closed at 8.48 pm.