July 2022 Minutes

Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th July 2022.
Councillors present were Mr Coulber, Mrs Harvey, Mr Leggate, Mr Edwards, Mr Langley, Mrs Knowles, Mr Wadsworth, Mr Knowles, Mr Keeling, Mrs Dawson, Mr Fenton, Mr Fletcher, Mr Stanley D Cllr Mr Avison and C Cllr Mr Ashton plus clerk Mrs K Elliott.
7.16 pm
Public Forum: The public forum started with the report from the County Councillor Mr Tom Ashton. The Household Waste Recycling Centre opens on Friday 8th July. Our issue with Market Place Streetlights has been escalated and Mr Ashton is pushing for action on Hunters Lane road and footway condition, which will hopefully be addressed in November. The Minerals and Waste Local Plan consultation is ongoing until August. Information on this consultation is to be sent out to all councillors electronically. D Cllr Mr S Avison advised there is nothing to report. [TA left the meeting at 7.25pm]
The meeting commenced at 7.27 pm
2022/041 Welcome & Chairman’s Report – CD welcomed everyone to this evenings meeting and noted that she has attended the Annual Reception at RAF Coningsby on behalf of the Parish Council.
2022/042 Apologies – The parish clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons given have been received from D Cllr Mr Foster and Mr Brown, unfortunately no response has been received from Mrs Taylor. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that these apologies be accepted.
2022/043 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – none were received.
2022/044 To approve as a correct record the Notes of the meetings of the Council – It was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting held on 7th June 2022 having been previously circulated were approved as a true record of the minutes, CD signed and dated. Correction, It is noted that 2022/040 Buttercross item is to be removed. The clerk’s appraisal took place on 1st July not 20th June as stated.
2022/045 Reports from District and County Councillors, Police and any other outside agencies – District and County Councillors reports have been received during the public forum. No Police report has been received.
2022/046 To appoint Tree Warden – Mrs Taylor has previously carried out this role and Mr Langley agreed to take over with immediate effect. A job description and badge will be provided. Mr Leggate asked who gave permission to fell Tree 8 in the Churchyard and questioned this decision.
2022/047 Clerks report on correspondence and matters outstanding:
a) Clerk’s appraisal – A constructive meeting and positive appraisal with some good ideas for the future. A 5 year plan is to be produced to help with budgeting
b) Spraying in Churchyard – the clerk is to speak with G Smith about this matter as soon as possible.
c) Hedge in Churchyard – The National Trust are to be contacted to arrange a site meeting. A “red line” plan would help all parties to be aware of areas of responsibility.
d) Daffodils – This is an idea to plant up an area of the Closed Churchyard with spring flowering bulbs. The clerk will check if we are permitted to plant in this area. Council are positive about this proposal subject to PCC/Church approval.
e) Damaged Bin – details of the damaged bin were shared and the clerk was asked to price up a new outer casing for this bin.
f) Coronation – CD proposed to precept for a possible future coronation and a figure to be held in reserves as a contingency will be discussed at the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting in the autumn. We must be cautious and watch what we are spending.
g) Unapproved planting at Clinton Park - Photos have been shared on social media. It is not known who has done this on community land. It is a trip hazard and an unnecessary obstacle for our grass contractor. Members discussed allotments, housing and cemetery land. SA asked how this affects our insurance and CD suggested that bollards are needed to cordon off the parking area. It was RESOLVED that the clerk will place notices on the plants and fencing giving two weeks’ notice to remove these plants and structure. This will be further discussed at the September meeting. [SA left the meeting at 8.15pm]
2022/048 Interpretation Board – A grant application has been commenced and a design has been requested.
2022/049 Market Place Street Lamps
a) Street Lamps – TA has also been asked to assist with this slow moving matter.
b) Bench – the clerk is to ask Hoggricweld to get on with the refurb of this bench as long as the cost is no more than the Thorpe bench.
c) Low Branches – the brash needs to be taken away and the clerk will ask G Harness for assistance with this. Tudor Grounds Maintenance are to be asked to take hand shears to the areas with long grass.
2022/050 Proposal for watering planters – This was RESOLVED and the contractor is to be instructed as soon as possible. Tattershall Thorpe planters are to be included in due course.
2022/051 Proposal for more planters – CD proposes to precept for more planters, gateways and benches at other suitable locations for example, Thorpe Road, Hunters Lane, Butts Bridge. It may be possible to obtain a grant. Costs are to be obtained in time for the September meeting and a budget produced for approval at the Autumn Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting.
2022/052 Lincolnshire Minerals & Waste Local Plan – Details of this consultation are to be sent out to all councillors electronically. The deadline for responses is 12th August.
2022/053 Items Approved at budget 2022/2023
a) Replacement Notice Boards – at Castlefields and Grange Drive. £2,000 in budget for this financial year.
b) Flagpole Notice Boards – These items have been budgeted for and NE proposes that these purchases go ahead.
2022/054 Community Speed Watch Scheme –
a) Report – the team have not carried out any activity since the last meeting. A WhatsApp group is to be set up for ease of communication and AF and DF will be added to this group. DF has volunteered to attend training.
2022/055 Best Kept Garden
a) To receive details of finalists. These were passed to the clerk.
b) The Judges have confirmed their availability. Mr & Mrs Phillips.
2022/056 Planning Matters –
a) S/175/01112/22 & S175/01113/22 – Tattershall Bridge Cottage. There are no objections to this planning application.
2022/057 Financial Matters: to authorise the approval of BACS payments and to note income and expenditure for this month.
a) Payment of Accounts – as per the circulated document and bank reconciliation, the clerk confirmed that expenditure for the month totalled £4,997.79 including vat and there was income of £600 for this month. It was RESOLVED to make a payment of £40 to Thorpe Camp for hall hire in May and following discussion it was RESOLVED to make a£300 contribution to the Thorpe Jubilee Account from the grant funding received.
2022/058 Reports from Outside meetings – No outside meetings have been attended. Thanks have been passed on to all parties who helped make the Jubilee events such a success. DF is interested in downloading the data on behalf of the parish council and the clerk was asked to coordinate this with Select Electrical who move the SiD on our behalf.
2022/059 Items for next agenda were requested; Churchyard, Thorpe Beacon, Gates for Thorpe.
a) There will not be a meeting in August and it was RESOLVED that the Finance & General Purposes committee deal with any urgent matters until the September meeting.
b) Full Council Meeting – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that this will be held on Tuesday 6th September 2022, at 7.15pm.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting and there being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm.