December 2022 Minutes

Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council
Minutes of the Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 6th December at 7.15pm
Cllr Caroline Dawson (Chair), Cllr James Knowles (Vice-Chair), Cllr Neville Edwards (RFO), Cllr Nick Brown, Cllr Serv Coulber, Cllr Daniel Fenton, Cllr Andy Fletcher, Cllr Betty Harvey OBE, Cllr Marc Keeling, Cllr Nigel Langley, Cllr
James Stanley , Cllr Ian Wadsworth and Laura Allen (Clerk). County Councillor Tom Ashton along with four Representatives from the Lincolnshire Co-op and East Midlands Community Led Housing were also present.
Absences: Cllr Janice Cotgreave, Cllr Norman Leggate and Cllr Susan Knowles.
Public Forum Commenced at 7.15pm
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and an opening report was provided from Councillor Tom Ashton.
An update was provided on the upcoming paper for Devolution which would bring more funding and powers to the East Midlands. Currently it is being focused towards other areas such as Derbyshire, but preparation work and readiness is necessary for a potentially combined authority with a directly elected major.
It was noted that the Footpath from the S106 Agreement was being monitored in relation to the outline planning permission that has recently been submitted in Tattershall.
Also news that a new highways officer has been assigned, and following a tour of the Horncastle Depot they were very impressed with their how can I help attitude. A joint tour is to be undertaken around Tattershall to highlight areas of extra focus.
7.20pm Councillor Ashton thanked everyone and left the meeting.
Public Presentation:
A presentation was received from Lincolnshire Co-operative and East Midlands Community Led Housing. The representatives were keen to work with the community to build up ideas and work collaboratively to determine the best use of the site at Blacksmith’s Corner/Harness Drive. The next step would be to invite more members from the local community to provide feedback through a survey early next year.
7.30pm The Chair thanked the representatives for attending as they left the meeting.
114-22/23 Welcome and Chair’s Report
The Chair reported on the successful Christmas tree lighting ceremony performed by the Reverend Sue Allison which took place on the 2nd December on the Village Green. Thanks were also given to all the Councillors who assisted with putting lights on the trees and remarked how lovely it all looked.
115-22/23 Apologies for Absence in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Apologies were received from Cllr Janice Cotgreave for valid reasons and also from Cllr Susan Knowles who unfortunately has decided to step down from being a Councillor. Apologies were also given on behalf of District Councillor Stanley Avison.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to accept the apologies.
116-22/23 To receive any declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations for items on the agenda not previously recorded on member’s register of interests
None were received.
117-22/23 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 1st November 2022 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
118-22/23 Clerk’s Report including correspondence and matters outstanding
An update was received from LCC regarding the Bus Shelter in the Market Place. An inspection took place in August and they have noted that it does require painting and freshening up. This is now planned to be undertaken in the New Year.
After taking possession of the large collection of Parish Council files, the Lincolnshire Archives have confirmed that a list of items will be examined at their next quarterly meeting early next year. They have also said that they value signed minute books and specific items more than 30 years old, so considering we have some 130 year old items, it’s certainly very hopeful that they would take some of them in future.
119-22/23 Reports from County and District Councillors
These were received earlier in the meeting.
120-22/23 Reports from outside meetings and activities (if any)
Cllr Langley reported that the Village Hall Committee had nothing significant to report and their next meeting was not until April.
121-22/23 To consider and decide whether to continue with the LCC Highway Grass Cutting Agreement which will now continue on a rolling annual basis
The details regarding the renewal of the LCC Grass Cutting Agreement were circulated prior to the meeting. Concerns were raised that the Council did not know how this had been signed in previous years, who the contractor was and what areas of grass were included in the agreement. It was agreed that before the Council could fully consider or accept liability for our contractor’s actions, further clarification should be sought both from LCC and the Contractor.
122-22/23 To consider and decide any comments the Council would like to make to LCC in the consultation on potential mineral sites to be included in the new Local Plan
After consideration, it was agreed that there were no comments to make in relation to the proposed mineral sites located in Tattershall and Tattershall Thorpe.
123-22/23 To receive an update on re-establishing an agreement for the village green with the landowner
After verifying insurance requirements with the landowner of the village green for the Christmas Trees, it was discovered that the original Agreement signed in 1991 expired 6 years ago and was never renewed. It was noted that the landowner had tried a number of times over the years to get it renewed, but to no avail.
The landowner is still keen to get the agreement brought up to date and the Council will now await further updates from his lawyer on what the next steps will be. The landowner also kindly confirmed their insurance policy details so that we have been able to go ahead with our Christmas Tree plans as usual.
124-22/23 To consider any additional Christmas Tree and Lighting installation arrangements
Due to outstanding agreements from shops and businesses and the Council having ordered the trees before verifying who wanted them, the Council now have a number of unused trees remaining. It was agreed that in future, trees should not be ordered until agreements have been signed, but as time was now running out for this year we would try to make the best of the situation.
125-22/23 To review and sign two Co-Op License Agreements for installing Christmas Trees and Lights on their buildings in Tattershall
Considering the time left to install the trees after the agreements have been signed and how the past history of the scheme never required any forms to be filled out. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to sign the agreements and still attempt to get the trees up in time this year. It was also noted to start planning months in advance the following year to ensure the same situation does not reoccur.
126-22/23 To decide whether to continue with the Website Management Service for 2023
It was noted that for 2022 the Council paid £360 for the 20 hours Premium Service and the price is rising to £408 including VAT for 2023. The Council currently have 15 unused hours remaining, 5 Hours can be carried forward to the 2023-24 Financial Year and the agreement renews for 31st March 2023.
The large number of remaining hours and the proposed price increase was considered by Councillors. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED not to continue with the Website Management Service for 2023.
127-22/23 To adopt and approve Risk Assessments for the Parish Council
Risk Assessments are still an ongoing process to be undertaken for various activities carried out by the Council, having never been done previously. It was noted that the Council are covered for Community Speed Watch using the risk assessment agreed by Lincolnshire Police.
Three risk assessments were circulated prior to the meeting for approval:
1. Poppies on Lamp posts
2. Village Green Christmas Tree and Lighting
3. Christmas Trees and Lights installed above shops and businesses
It was raised by Cllr Brown that the Gritting Machine needed an urgent risk assessment as the weather has now turned colder.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the three risk assessments presented to the Council.
128-22/23 To receive an update on Local Government Pay Negotiations regarding new pay scales for clerks which are to be retrospectively applied from 1 April 2022
It was noted that the NJC (National Joint Council) Pay Increases were agreed in November and were to be implemented by employers as soon as possible.
129-22/23 Planning matters: To note any approved applications received, to consider any planning applications and decide any comments that the Council wishes to make:
Outline Planning Permission
1. S/175/02091/22 | Outline erection of 23no. dwellings (with means of access and layout to be considered) Land Off, Farriers Way, Tattershall.
a. To consider and ratify comments made on behalf of the Parish Council
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to ratify the comments submitted to ELDC which raised concerns of overdevelopment and lack of facilities, and also requested for the footpath to be connected along the original route and using the funds of the S106 agreement.
Planning Permission
2. S/176/02279/22 | Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. Oakmere Farm, Woodhall Road, Tattershall Thorpe, Lincoln, LN4 4JT.
No comments to make.
130-22/23 Financial matters:
1. To receive the Annual Internal Auditors Report for 2021-2022
The internal auditors report was circulated to all Councillors prior to and during the meeting.
2. To Review the effectiveness of Internal Controls
In accordance with Regulation 4 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003, councils have a duty to ensure that the financial management is adequate and effective and that they have a sound system of internal control.
It was noted that the three main areas were Risk Management, Control Systems and Internal Audit. Areas for improvements were relevant in all areas, and it was acknowledged that the internal controls were not effective prior to signing the Annual Governance Statement in June 2022 as no Internal Audit had been carried out.
3. To ensure compliance with external audit requirements for 2021-2022:
a. To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement AGAR Section 1
Each of the statements on the Annual Governance Statement was read out and the responses of yes and no were noted. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the Annual Governance Statement.
b. To approve the explanations to the External Auditor where the responses on the Annual Government Statement have changed from Yes to No
The explanations to the External Auditor were read out where responses 4, 6 and 7 have changed from Yes to No. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the explanations.
c. To ensure the Accounting Statements AGAR Section 2 has been certified by the RFO and are signed and dated
d. To consider the Accounting Statements by the members meeting as a whole;
e. To approve the Accounting Statements by resolution
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the Accounting Statements.
f. To ensure the Accounting Statements are signed and dated by the person presiding at the meeting which that approval is given
g. To set the period for the Exercise of Public Rights
The RFO read out the Notice of Public Rights and confirmed the period for which all interested persons could inspect the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2022.
4. To approve the Bank Reconciliation statement for November 2022
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the Bank Reconciliation for November 2022. (See attached sheet)
5. To ratify the payments for November 2022
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to ratify the Payments for November 2022. (See attached sheet)
6. To confirm new Direct Debit Mandates
Electricity SSE – The Direct Debit was not set up as previously confirmed and a number of outstanding bills were recently handed over by the previous clerk. It was confirmed that paperwork has now been sent off for this and it is showing in the bank account list. It also was noted that late payment charges might be incurred.
Sage Payroll – It was noted that a Direct Debit has been requested to make payments for this service.
HMRC – The Direct Debit was somehow removed by previous Clerk and no payments had been made for a number of months, this has been re-added again so that the Council can ensure tax is being paid.
7. To authorise the Clerk to make amendments to the Insurance Policy
Population - It was noted that the Population of Council Area needs to be amended. It is currently listed as 500 when it should be approximately 3000 according to current figures. This may incur an amendment fee.
Cover levels - The Insurance Company has confirmed that the cover levels are default values assigned to Parish Councils, so these can remain as they are unless we need to increase them to ensure the cover is adequate.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to authorise the clerk to amend the population size on the insurance policy.
8. To approve the removal of non-participatory or unauthorised signatories on the bank account
To reduce risk it is necessary to consider reducing the number of signatories on the bank account, currently there are seven. A councillor who resigned in July and is still a signatory also should be removed.
It was agreed to retain six signatories and request the removal of the ex-council member by signing the appropriate forms in accordance with the bank mandate.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to request the removal of the former councillor who should no longer have access.
9. To approve the Financial Regulations
Cllr Brown proposed amendments to the document and issues of risk were raised regarding the Gritting Machine and the urgency for the clerk to undertake a risk assessment for this activity. It was noted that the Clerk had not yet seen or considered the gritting machine as there had not yet been time to review the asset register nor for its existence to be verified.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the Financial Regulations with the amendments.
10. To approve amendments to the Finance & General Purpose Committee Terms of Reference
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the amendments to the Terms of Reference, reducing the minimum membership to three to reduce the need for further revisions to be made.
11. To consider Budget Proposals for the 2023/2024 Financial Year
Budget considerations included the purchase of two new solar speed devices, the cost of the mobile phone and length of contract, the postage costs, the homeworking allowance, engraving, grass cutting costs and potential reduction in income from non-renewal of the LCC agreement and repairs for the Gritter.
12. To approve the Budget and Precept for 2023/2024
Three budget options were presented to the Council, with a 3%, 6% and 12% increase on last year’s precept. It was agreed that the council would cut down on spending in line with the current economic situation and could utilise the reserves if there were any shortfalls for the next financial year.
The RFO wished to advise the Council that there would not be enough money in choosing the lowest budget option, and noted that it would be beneficial now seeing a more accurate expenditure analysis going forward.
It was proposed, seconded and voted with eleven in favour and one against for the lowest budget option and a precept increase of 3.4% at £25,800.
131-22/23 To confirm dates of Full Council Meetings and the Annual Parish Meetings for 2023
Next meeting Tuesday 7th February
Tuesday 4th April Annual Parish Meeting Tattershall followed by Full Council Meeting
Wednesday 19th April Annual Parish Meeting Tattershall Thorpe
Thursday 11th May Small Hall Annual Meeting of the Parish Council in Tattershall to fit around Elections and Coronation Events
All others first Tuesday in the month, with no meeting in January and August.
The Chair concluded the meeting wishing everyone a good Christmas and New Year.
9.35pm Meeting closed