February 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 1st February 2022 at Tattershall Village Hall and remotely.
Councillors present were Mrs Harvey, Mr Leggate, Mr Edwards, Mr Langley, Mr Eldridge, Mr Wadsworth, Mr Knowles, Mrs Dawson, Mr Keeling and D Cllr Mr Avison & Mr Foster plus clerk Mrs K Elliott and no members of the public. PCSO N Wass was also present.
7.19 pm
Public Forum: The public forum commenced with an introduction and report from PCSO Wass. Antisocial behaviour is being addressed locally and speed checks will commence when the better weather starts. It was suggested that we request another Archers Survey from LRSP. (PCSO Wass left at 7.27pm]
The Old Forge at Tattershall Thorpe was highlighted as being is a state of disrepair and SA will report this to planning enforcement department at ELDC. Pauls Lane junction has now got improved footpaths however those that they link up to are very narrow and how can this be resolved. It is not wide enough for pushchairs or wheelchairs. The clerk was asked to contact LCC in the first instance and then the matter will be discussed at the March meeting. It is noted that there is a budget of £2,500 available for siding up. Fly tipping on Lodge Road was also brought to our attention, beyond the Windley’s site and towards the Woodhall Road Junction. MF will bring this to the attention of the Street Scene team at ELDC.
The meeting started at 7.38 pm.
2022/132 Welcome & Chairman’s Report – Mrs Dawson, Chair welcomed everyone to this evenings meeting and advised of her visit to the new properties at Franklin Row. A Womble thank you event is to be organised with Coningsby TC with a clean-up and to also encourage new members on 12th March.
2022/133 Apologies – The parish clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons given have been received from parish councillors Mr Brown and Mr Coulber and it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence being accepted.
2022/134 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – there were none.
2022/135 To approve as a correct record the Notes of the meetings of the Council – It was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meetings held on 7th December 2021 and 13th January 2022 having been previously circulated were approved as a true record of the minutes, CD signed and dated.
2022/136 Reports from District and County Councillors, Police and any other outside agencies – D Cllr M Foster advised those present that in September we will be able to recycle glass through the kerbside collection. This will be introduced with a fourth purple lidded bin which will take clean and dry waste paper and cardboard. The district council will be able to get more money for the waste paper and card and in due course the bottle banks will be phased out. Glass will be able to be recycled at the Household Waste sites as well as in the kerbside grey wheelie bin. Questions from councillors included some frustration with the lack of green waste collections during November. This is not a statutory service and the cost increase was explained and justified by D Cllr Foster, operating costs must be covered. The green waste goes to an anaerobic digester and some to compost. The Police report has been received during the public forum and there was no County Councillors report this month.
2022/137 To Co-opt – the clerk confirmed that there had been no expressions of interest. The vacancies continue to be advertised.
2022/138 Clerks report on correspondence and matters outstanding.
a) Market Place Improvements – S106 surplus funds. ELDC are to release the leftover funds to the parish council and these funds will be used for the lighting of the War Memorial. If there is any monies still leftover the parish council could consider other projects which meet the criteria. Suggested ideas included repainting the bus shelter and the metal commemorative seats. [JK arrived at 8pm]
b) Parish Visits – the clerk confirmed that she will be visiting the parish on 15th February and 15th March 2022.
c) Extra Grass Cutting, Thorpe – the clerk is in the process of obtaining quotes for this work.
d) Wi-Fi at the village hall – it is generally thought that this is an asset to the community and users of the village hall.
2022/139 Queen’s Jubilee 2022
a) Events: Thursday 2nd through to Sunday 5th June. There are to be beacons lit on Thursday evening 9pm. A Church Service will be held on the Friday. A joint parish event is planned to be held at the Allan Barker Field on Saturday, this will also be the Lions Fun Day. The Sunday will conclude with two tea parties one in Coningsby and one in Tattershall during the afternoon. The clerk was asked to find out what is required from TWTPC
b) Financial Contribution: our S137 budget allocation from 2022/2023 is £1,250. Councillors discussed commemorative coins and costs will be discussed in more detail at the March meeting. [DE left the meeting at 8.10pm]
2022/140 Welcome Back Fund (ELDC) –
a) Location for planters – this has been agreed for Doctors Corner and Cromwell place. [SA left the meeting at 8.20pm] There was one objection to this project and proposal.
b) Tattershall Village Name Plate – the twinning is not required on the sign as this has been disbanded. Members discussed the use of the grant monies within the short timescale. A project for the future could be to install more benches, perhaps some on Clinton Park. [MF left the meeting at 8.30pm]
2022/141 Proposal to plant a tree for the Jubilee – The tree has been planted by LCC contractors.
2022/142 Information plaques for Market Place Trees – the clerk circulated a document outlining the options available and following discussion it was unanimous that a lectern showing the dedicated trees and other useful local information to public walks and places of interest could be sited near the new benches and sundial in the central green area of the Market Place. Lincolnshire Heritage are to be approached for suggested contractors and the clerk will provide more information as soon as it is available.
2022/143 Parish Benches – a document containing details of all the parish benches had been circulated prior to the meeting, showing that there are 4 wooden benches which require updating and 3 can be replaced through the welcome back fund and one through our own funds. It was resolved to go ahead with this proposal and to replace all 4 benches.
2022/144 Grit Bins – Extra grit bins would be useful if placed at Hunters Lane, North Road, Tattershall Thorpe and Castleview. The clerk will submit a request to LCC.
2022/145 Christmas Lights Display – A proposal to extend the tree lights to include the trees at Doctors Corner and Cromwell Place. The locations will be inspected and the clerk will check who owns the trees. Also rechargeable batteries are to be investigated and costed. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. The clerk advised that the remote control lights had apparently not been working very well and the batteries ran out quickly. This will also be investigated.
2022/146 Community Speed Watch -
a) CSW report – there has been no activity since the last meeting.
b) TRO request – we now have to wait for a response from LCC.
2022/147 Planning Matters –
a) S/176/02165/21 – FPP Given and
b) S/176/02464/21 – FPP Given.
2022/148 Financial Matters: to authorise the approval of BACS payments and to note income and expenditure for this month.
a) Donation request LIVES – this is to be carried forward to the April meeting.
b) Payment of Accounts – as per the circulated document and bank reconciliation, the clerk confirmed that expenditure for the month totalled £1,825.19 including vat and there was £740.00 income for this month.
c) Terms of Reference – For the Finance & General Purposes Committee, having been circulated prior to the meeting were accepted and agreed.
2022/149 Reports from Outside meetings – No meetings have been attended. The free trees will be planted on Saturday 5th February from 10.30am at Clinton Park, a number of scouts, parents and leaders have volunteered to assist.
2022/150 Items for next agenda were requested –
a) Full Council Meeting – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that this will be held on Tuesday 1st March 2022, at 7.15pm.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting and there being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10 pm.