February 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th February 2019 at 7.15pm in Tattershall Village Hall.

There were two members of the public present. Councillors Mrs Harvey, Mr Brown (Chair), Mr Langley, Mr Leggate, Mr Eldridge, Mrs Dawson, Mrs Kay, Mr Fletcher, Mrs Shaw, Mr Adams and C Cllr Mr T Ashton plus clerk Mrs K Elliott.

7.15pm - Public Forum: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and the meeting discussed speeding and the recent incident where a residence was damaged by a speeding vehicle. A request for an Archers Survey was discussed specifically between numbers 1 and 9 Market Place. Mr Brown outlined the ongoing work the parish council is doing to combat speeding vehicles. A further request was made for the LRSP speed camera van. Messer’s Brown and Eldridge are to liaise with regard to the downloading of the data from our speed device. The meeting also discussed the no entry signs at the Market Place/Lodge Road as traffic has been seen going the wrong way and this is to be reported to LCC and Police. Mrs Shaw advised the meeting of several 100th birthdays coming up in February, April and October. Mr Brown proposed that Mrs Shaw sent cards and flowers to these residents as appropriate and that reimbursement was paid in due course. It is also noted that there have been motorbikes ridden about in the Dryden Court area; this is also to be reported to our local Police.

The meeting began at 7.36pm.

2019/150 Chairman’s Report – NB wished everyone a Happy New Year.

2019/151 Apologies – The parish clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons given had been received from Mr Coulber, Mr Fitter and Mr Edwards plus Mr Avison and Mr Foster and it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence being accepted. It was noted that Mrs V Tyson has resigned as a parish councillor.

2019/152 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – There were none.

2019/153 To approve as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Council – It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting held on 4th December 2018 having been previously circulated were approved as a true record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated.

2019/154 Reports from District and County Councillors, Police and any other outside agencies – Mr Ashton advised the meeting that the county council is setting its budget and this is still capped by the Government at 3% with an additional 2% for Adult Social Care. There is a heritage Services review and the Usher Gallery is to move to the Collection, some windmills are to change ownership and further money saving is being investigated for other heritage assets including BBMF. Council was advised of the ongoing Minerals and Waste Consultation and we were asked to check our grit bin levels.

[Mr Ashton left the meeting at 7.45pm]

There was no Police or District Councillors report. Mrs Shaw advised that there will not be any individual parish council reports in the future however it was agreed that the clerk will compile a report for the next meeting from the Police.uk access website.

2019/155 Clerks report on correspondence and matters outstanding:

a) To agree action for bus shelter roof – Mr Eldridge confirmed that he would investigate this matter.

b) To agree action for basal/sucker growth on lime trees – Mr Leggate agreed that he would take action on this matter.

c) To discuss email from resident regarding speeding – the meeting discussed the residents’ concerns as raised in their email and identified the CSW scheme which will hopefully resolve this matter.

d) LCC Consultation on Draft Replacement of SCI, Minerals & Waste – as identified by C Cllr Mr Ashton earlier in this meeting this is for information.

e) Tattershall Annual Assembly 31st May – the clerk was requested to change this date to Tuesday 14th May.

2019/156 To update on S106 – the clerk reported on communication since the last parish council meeting. The parish councillors discussed further the proposal which has been put forward for the S106 monies and the clerk was requested to chase A Shorland and copy both our District Councillors in on the communications. This matter will be discussed further at our March meeting.

2019/157 To receive report on Community Led Housing Scheme – the clerk outlined the latest proposed scheme and the meeting discussed the need for a footpath in from of the proposed housing. Councillors felt that this scheme was changing from the housing needs survey results and requested that the clerk communicate this to ELDC.

2019/158 Update on Community Speed Watch Scheme – as per the circulated documents, 9 sites are to be approved for this scheme and a second sign kit will be required in order to carry out this scheme. The meeting proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to purchase a second CSW Sign Kit at £80.70 and the clerk will place this order as soon as possible. It was confirmed that the temporary pole mounted signs were not required.

2019/159 WI Letter and proposal for commemorations – it has been confirmed that there is a fund of £400. The meeting discussed options for use of this money and how it would be appropriate to support the ideas of the WI and the clerk was requested to make contact with the WI for them to submit their proposal in further detail to the parish council. The council are keen to support the commemoration of the local WI.

2019/160 To consider request for funding from Citizens Advice – after discussion it was RESOLVED not to contribute at this time

2019/161 To agree to purchase flags – the meeting discussed the need to renew St George’s & Union flags for Tattershall Thorpe; this was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED. It was also discussed to purchase Lincolnshire Flags and this matter will be resolved at the March meeting.

2019/162 To consider contribution towards funding of Tattershall Thorpe Jubilee group Annual Report – the clerk outlined the proposal from Mr Coulber and after discussion it was RESOLVED to support this to the sum of £50.

2019/163 To consider response to ELDC Consultation – the meeting discussed in brief the review of the Sex Establishment Licensing Policy and comments are to be sent to the clerk before the deadline of 1st March.

2019/164 Planning Matters:

a) S/175/02078/18 – FPP Given for Lincolnshire Co-op

b) S/175/02414/18 – FPP Given at 50 Castleview.

2019/165 Financial Matters: to authorise the signing of cheques and to note income for this month.

a) Payment of Accounts – see attached accounts sheet and bank reconciliation. Members were advised of the list of payments and it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that payments were made to the sum of £37,761.12 including VAT and there was £31,328.00 income for the month.

b) It is noted that ELDC have acknowledged receipt of our precept form for £20,422.00

It is also noted that a new bank mandate form is to be signed at this meeting to remove Mrs J Pow and add Mr A Fletcher.

2019/166 Reports from Outside meetings – nothing to report.

2019/167 Items for next agenda are requested.

a) Full Council Meeting – will be on Tuesday 5th March 2019 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9 pm.