October 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 1st October 2019 at 7.15pm in Tattershall Village Hall.
There were two members of the public present. Councillors Mrs Harvey, Mr Langley, Mr Brown, Mr Coulber, Mr Edwards, Mrs Kay, Mr Leggate, Mrs Taylor, Mr Eldridge and D Cllr Mr Avison plus clerk Mrs K Elliott.
7.15pm - Public Forum: The members and public discussed several matters including the lights in the Market Place, some of which are not working, two trees which have fallen across a public footpath and the arrangements for the Remembrance Service in Tattershall Thorpe. Further discussion included the vehicles which are parking on the double yellow lines outside the Co-op in the Market Place and The Fortescue Arms, the clerk was requested to bring this to the attention of the enforcement teams. It was also confirmed that the old laptop is with the Chairman for the use of the CSW data team.
2019/085 Chairman’s Report – NB thanked everyone for their attendance and had nothing of note to report.
2019/086 Apologies – The parish clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons given have been received from Mrs Dawson, Mr Stanley and also District Councillors Mr Hall and Mr Foster and it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence being accepted.
2019/087 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – there were none.
2019/088 To approve as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Council – It was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting held on 3rd September 2019 having been previously circulated were approved as a true record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated.
2019/089 Reports from District and County Councillors, Police and any other outside agencies – D Cllr Mr Avison advised of the new Animal Welfare Licence Regulations, which were changed in October 2018 and confirmed that licences were required for dog breeding. Mrs Kay advised that she had not been able to attend the most recent Police Panel meeting but that she had been advised there was nothing to report. The County Councillor was not present.
2019/090 To Co-opt – the clerk confirmed that she has not received any expressions of interest.
2019/091 To consider parish council officers – This matter is to be finalised at the November meeting, when Mrs Dawson will be present.
2019/092 Clerks report on correspondence and matters outstanding:
a) LCC Statement of Community Involvement – as per the circulated letter, for information only.
b) Wreaths – the order has been confirmed as per last year and wreathes will be available for collection at the Post Office. Those present also RESOLVED to purchase 10 more event poppies for display in the parish, the clerk will arrange purchase of these items and NE and NB will arrange to put them up w/c 28.10.19. A team of council volunteers will also arrange to clean the War Memorial on 6/11/19.
c) S106 update – the clerk advised the meeting of the latest details and also confirmed that C Cllr Ashton is hoping to get the lamp posts refurbished by LCC at the same time.
2019/093 Community Speed Watch update.
a) CSW report – the CSW team have taken part in the Edward project in the last month and continue to carry out random speed checks within the parish.
2019/094 Tree Works consultation – we are being consulted on proposed tree works in Tattershall and Tattershall Thorpe Carrs. Those present also discussed the fallen branch on to the fence at the Bowls Club which has been dealt with by The National Trust and the details of the urgent lime tree work was circulated to all.
2019/095 Traffic Regulation Order request – the clerk outlined the request by a resident and the meeting discussed the proposal and RESOLVED that they were unable to support this request.
2019/096 Christmas Lighting arrangements:
a) Who to Switch on – a suggestion of the youngest child from each of the two primary schools was agreed on and the clerk will contact the two schools to confirm arrangements.
b) Order for trees – there will be 21 small trees, the Tattershall Thorpe tree is to be donated by the Leggate family and an order will be placed for a large tree for the Market Place.
2019/097 Planning Matters:
a) S/035/01368/19 – FPP Given; The Scout Hut, Coningsby.
b) S/175/00727/19 – FPP Given; 47 Sleaford Road, Tattershall.
c) S/175/01265/19 – FPP Given; 13 Lodge Road, Tattershall.
d) EC/176/00550/19 – complaint concerning Caravan Site at Blue Bell Inn, Thorpe – this is an illegal site as there is only permission for one van and needs to comply with the law.
e) S/175/01723/19 – Away Resorts – the meeting discussed this planning proposal and the lack of access for emergency vehicles, a fire service inspection was recommended. There were no other objections.
2019/098 Financial Matters: to authorise the signing of cheques and to note income for this month.
a) Change of signatures – AF will be removed and NE will be put on, the forms are to be completed after the meeting.
b) Business Savings Account – it was discussed and concluded that there was little point in setting up this extra account.
c) Payment of Accounts – see attached and circulated accounts sheet and bank reconciliation. Members were advised of the list of payments and it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that payments were made to the sum of £3,302.09 including VAT and there was £10,211.00 income for the month.
2019/099 Reports from Outside meetings – SC confirmed that representatives from Tattershall Thorpe have attended the East Midlands in Bloom presentation and gained one point more than last year to receive a silver gilt award for the third year in a row. The clerk was asked to chase the Best Kept Village awards organisers for feedback. The details of the winners from the Best Kept Garden competitions this year were noted as Rose Bowl – Mr & Mrs Ranshaw and Barrack Trophy – Mr Watson & Ms England. [SA left at 8.22pm]
2019/100 Items for next agenda are to include
a) Full Council Meeting – it was proposed, seconded, voted and RESOLVED that this will be held on Tuesday 5th November 2019, at 7.15pm at the Village Hall.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.23 pm.