March 2024 Minutes

Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council Logo

Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 5th March 2024 at 7.15pm


Cllr Nick Brown (Acting Chair), Cllr Serv Coulber, Cllr Caroline Dawson, Cllr Chris Sivill, Cllr Jaqueline Gravett, Cllr James Knowles, Cllr Nigel Langley, Cllr Marc Keeling and Sarah- Louise Kulwicki (Clerk). 

Absences:  Cllr Andy Fletcher, Cllr Ebru Sarifindik, Cllr Neville Edwards, Cllr Daniel Fenton, County Councillor Tom Ashton, District Councillor Alex Hall and District Councillor Martin Foster. 

One member of public present.

Public Forum:

One member of public reported that there has been an increase in dog fouling in the village which has gotten substantially worse, specifically on Harness Close. The clerk was asked to report this to the relevant body. Cllr James Knowles told the council he would bring this to the attention of the dog warden to see if he could get more presence in the local area. 

Cllr Serv Coulber reported that septic tanks have been backing up in Thorpe as the dyke are full and there is nowhere for the overflow to go. The clerk was asked to report this to the county council. 

Cllr Caroline Dawson reported that the car park behind the co-op needs some essential maintenance, there is also no clear signage and no lighting. The clerk was asked to report this to ELDC. 

The meeting was declared open at 7:34pm

148-23/24   Welcome and Chair’s report 

The chairman welcomed all present. 

149-23/24    Apologies for Absence in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies received from Cllr A. Fletcher, Cllr N. Edwards, Cllr D. Fenton and Cllr E. Sarifindik. Apologies were also received from District Cllr Foster and County Cllr Ashton. 

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to accept the apologies.

150-23/24    To receive any declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations for items on the agenda not previously recorded on member’s register of interests

Cllr N. Brown told the council the advice received from LALC which is: Any individual or business may comment on a planning application and their comments will be published by the Planning Authority.

The Code of Conduct as a Councillor would only have any effect on this if they represented that view as that of the parish council or on behalf of the parish council (which they should not do).

They have already declared their interest in the Register of Interests so if the matter comes up on an agenda they should declare that interest and should leave the room while it is being debated and voted on unless they have been granted a dispensation. The minutes should record when someone declares an interest and when they leave the room and when they return.

It is not for the Clerk to police the declaration or non-declaration of interests.  If a councillor fails to declare something potentially in breach of the Code of Conduct then it is for the individual with that concern to raise it with the Monitoring Officer at ELDC (not the Clerk's role). 

No Councillor declared any interests. 

151-23/24   To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 6th February 2024 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes.

152-23/24   To receive reports from County and District Councillors  

Cllr Knowles reported that he had attended serval meetings and conferences but none of it is relevant to this parish. 

153-23/24   Feedback from parish liaison meeting – Cllr Keeling circulated his own notes from the online meeting which he attended. It touched on issues within Lincolnshire but no questions were answered in relation to Tattershall and Tattershall Thorpe. 

154-23/24   The co-option of any potential candidates present


155-23/24    Planning matters 

a)   Ref: S/176/00278/24 – Red House Farm, North Road, Tattershall Thorpe. Outline erection of 1 dwelling. 

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to support this application. 

156-23/24   Emergency plan for flooding 

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to take no further action developing an emergency plan. 

157-23/24    Broken reactive sign – Tattershall Thorpe update

The clerk reported that the council has received £2,214.99 from the insurance to purchase a new sign for Tattershall Thorpe.  

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to purchase a new sign for Tattershall Thorpe. 

158-23/24   Financial matters:

1)   To ratify the payments for February 2024 (see sch) with current bank balances

March 2024 draft minutes tbl1

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the above payments. 

2)   To discuss grass cutting – Marketplace

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED for John Ward to cut the grass in the Market place and amend Glendale’s contract to reflect this. 

159-23/24   Litter bins – Market Place

The clerk told the council that only one bin was moved from the Marketplace to Sleaford Road and ELDC had another one in stock which they used on Sleaford Road. The clerk asked for another bin to be put back in the Marketplace which they have now done, so there is no need for the parish to purchase any bins. 

160-23/24   To review the councils asset register

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the asset register. 

161-23/24   D-Day event – ideas and grant application  

The clerk was asked to write to local businesses and ask them to get involved in decorating their shop windows for D-Day. The clerk was asked to display posters locally to ask parishioners of they would like to decorate their homes to commemorate this day. Cllr where asked to bring costings for suggested decorations to the next meeting. 

162-23/24   Clerks report including correspondence and matters outstanding 

The location for a speed sign on Sleaford Road was discussed and the clerk reported that she is meeting with Lincs Rd Safety partnership to discuss this. The council asked the clerk to see if they can approve a site on Hunters Lane for a sign as well, so all village entry points are covered. 

163-23/24   The next meeting will be on the 2nd April 2024 which will be the annual parish meeting at 7:15pm followed by a full council meeting at 7:45pm in Tattershall village hall 

Cllr Dawson sent her apologies for this meeting. 

164-23/24   Any items for inclusion on the next agenda 

a)   Speed signs

b)   D-Day commemorations 

The meeting closed at 8:40pm

165-23/24   To resolve to move into closed session - under section 100(a)(4) of the LGA 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items in the grounds that, if they were present there could be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in para3part1 of sch 12a to the act as amended.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to move into closed session. 

1.   Merging of council – The clerk told the council that Coningsby Town council have discussed merging with Tattershall with Thorpe parish council and would like to do further investigations into what would be involved in doing this and if this is something the council would be interested in doing. 

The clerk was asked to write to Coningsby Town Council and ask someone from the council to do a presentation on the rationale behind the idea. 

The meeting closed at 8:51pm.