February 2024 Minutes

Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council
Minutes of the Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 7.15pm
Cllr Andy Fletcher (Chair), Cllr Neville Edwards, Cllr Serv Coulber, Cllr Caroline Dawson, Cllr Chris Sivill, Cllr Jaqueline Gravett, Cllr Daniel Fenton, Cllr Knowles, Cllr Nigel Langley and Sarah- Louise Kulwicki (Clerk).
Absences: Cllr Marc Keeling, Cllr Ebru Sarifindik, Cllr N. Brown, County Councillor Tom Ashton and District Councillor Alex Hall and Martin Foster.
Public Forum – No members of public present.
The chairman circulated the plans for Blacksmiths corner; proposals are for 15 houses which all have their own parking. The council will be able to comment on it once plans are officially submitted. Cllr Coulber asked who will maintain the public/open space on the site, the clerk was asked to email community led housing and find out.
Cllr Fletcher told the council the correct procedure for declaring an interest.
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:20pm
127-23/24 Welcome and Chair’s report
128-23/24 Apologies for Absence in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Apologies received from Cllr M. Keeling, Cllr E. Sarifindik and Cllr N. brown. Apologies were also received from District Cllr Foster and County Cllr Ashton.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to accept the apologies.
129-23/24 To receive any declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations for items on the agenda not previously recorded on member’s register of interests
130-23/24 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 5th December 2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
131-23/24 To receive reports from County and District Councillors
Cllr James Knowles that the budget for ELDC will be taken to full council at the end of the month.
132-23/24 Feedback from parish liaison meeting
Cllr Keeling was not present to give feedback; this will be discussed at the next meeting.
133-23/24 Local crime issue
Cllr Fenton asked that the clerk raise the concerns again of the low level local policing.
134-23/24 The co-option of any potential candidates present
Cllr N. Langley arrived at the council meeting at 7:37pm.
135-23/24 Planning matters
a) S/175/00053/24 – Land of Lodge Road, Tattershall. Outline erection of 9no dwellings, existing commercial outbuildings on site to be demolished. The council discussed the current site, having been previously refused the dangerous access and the limited infrastructure.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to submit comments above with the council’s objection.
136-23/24 Emergency plan for flooding
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to move to the next council meeting when Cllr Keeling is present to lead discussions.
137-23/24 Tattershall Thorpe Dyke – See notes from meeting:
Meeting for dyke in Tattershall Thorpe on 18th January 2024 at 10:30am
Present: Woodlan Trust – David Logan and Paul Jarczewski, Highways – George Cartwright, Councillor – Serv Coluber, local residents – Steve Leggate and Norman Leggate, Land Owner – Alan Harvey, County Councillor - Tom Ashton and Clerk to the council – Sarah Kulwicki.
The clerk arranged for this meeting to take place due to regular complains about the water backing up in the dykes throughout Tattershall Thorpe as it cannot flow freely through the woods owned by the Woodland Trust due to a build up of silt.
Mr Alan Harvey confirmed that he owned 60meters of the dyke and the rest is the woodland trust. Mr Harvey suggested that the dyke be cleared and the total cost be divided between the owners of the dykes. Providing that the woodland trust to this as well. He told all that the landowners will need to give their permission as to access the dyke as the maintenance will have to be done from their side due to access restrictions.
Paul Jarczewski trust told all that this is an ancient wetland and they need the environment to be wet and have a low moving flow of water to maintain this. He told all that the water still flows through. It may be slow moving but it is still flowing. The woodland trust do not want a fast flowing water course through the woods. It is one of the last bits of wet woodland in Lincolnshire and the trust wants to keep it that way. He has offered to talk with Natural England and see if they would be willing to create spill areas within the woods which the dyke flows through to help elevate the build up of water. He will also discuss with them getting the dyke cleaned which runs along side the woods but not through it.
George Cartwright told all that the land owners have a responsibility to maintain the dyke that they own. The only issue that could happen is the culvert under the road becomes blocked as the water is rising substantially due to the silt build up in the dyke.
The clerk thanked all of the attendees for coming and will keep up to date via email to see what process is or can be made.
138-23/24 Community speed watch- Report from volunteers:
There were 6 events during 2023 mainly due to me being away a good deal and then the bad weather from November to the present day. 2 events are planned for this month. As you will see from the following statistics the numbers of speeding vehicles seems a small percentage of the total. This is mainly due to one event, outbound on the A153 by the Castle, when only 3 vehicles were caught over the speed limit out of a total of 826!!! The 6 events were evenly split between Lodge Road and the A153 by the Castle. 1930 vehicles were checked and 64 were doing 35 mph or faster, the fastest was 46 mph in bound to the Village on Lodge Road. From my observation the permanent reactive sign on Lodge Road does have the effect of slowing some drivers down by the time they reach the sign. However, there is still a minority that come through in excess of 30 mph.
139-23/24 Broken reactive sign – Tattershall Thorpe
The clerk reported that the sign has fallen from the post and has been sent to a local electrician so it can be looked at, the sign housing may need replacing along with some wiring.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED for the council to process a claim through their insurance for a replacement sign.
140-23/24 Financial matters:
1) To ratify the payments for December 2023 (see sch) with current bank balances
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the payments for December.
2) To ratify the payments for January 2024 (see sch) with current bank balances
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the payments for January.
141-23/24 Litter bins – Sleaford Road
The clerk told the council that she has had a report from the District Cllr M. Foster and 2 of the bins have been moved from the Marketplace to Sleaford Road but it is unknown which ones. The clerk told the council she had completed the request for 2 new bins rather than moving the councils current ones. The clerk was asked to request that the bins be replaced rather than moved to ensure the littering problems do not increase.
142-23/24 To review the councils asset register
To be moved to the next council meeting.
143-23/24 D-Day event – Cllr Dawson
The clerk was asked to find out if the church or Tattershall castle will be doing any commemorative actions/events for D-DAY. Cllrs where asked to come up with some ideas on how the council can commemorate D-DAY locally. Ideas will be brought to the next meeting. The clerk was asked to apply for Cllrs community grant to purchase some lanterns/ bunting or flags to decorate the marketplace.
144-23/24 Clerks report including correspondence and matters outstanding
The clerk had nothing new to report as regularly updates Cllrs via email.
145-23/24 The next meeting will be on the 5th March 2024 at 7:15pm in Tattershall village hall
146-23/24 Any items for inclusion on the next agenda
a) D-DAY
b) Parish liaison meeting
c) Emergency plan
d) Litter bins – Sleaford Road
147-23/24 To resolve to move into closed session - under section 100(a)(4) of the LGA 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items in the grounds that, if they were present there could be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in para3part1 of sch 12a to the act as amended.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to move into closed session.
1. SSE contract - To continue with current supplier for electricity in market
2. Grass cutting contract – Council discussed the contracts received. The clerk was asked to get a quote for cutting the Marketplace from a local gardener.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED for the council to use Glendale.