September 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 4th September 2018 at 7.15pm in Tattershall Village Hall.
There were six members of the public present plus Police and RAF representatives. Councillors Mrs Harvey, Mr Coulber, Mrs Dawson (RFO), Mr Brown (Chair), Mr Langley, Mr Adams, Mr Leggate, Mr Singleton Cragg, Mr Edwards, Mr Fletcher (Vice Chair), Mrs Kay and D Cllr Mr S Avison plus clerk Mrs K Elliott.
Prior to the Public Forum the Chairman presented the certificates and Trophies to the Best Kept Garden winners and runners up for 2018. Photographs were taken and all participants were commended for their excellent gardens. [3 members of the public left the meeting at 7.22pm]
7.15pm - Public Forum: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and the Police report was circulated to all by the PCSO who introduced herself to everyone present and explained that she was new in her role. The RAF representative was also present and asked if anyone had any questions for him. There was no information from Base currently but a new Base Commander will be in place soon. A councillor noted that there is no cemetery space in Tattershall and it is noted that this matter has been dealt with previously as there is no land available to be purchased within the parish and it is also noted that there are some ashes plots currently available. The parking of vehicles on double yellow lines in the Market Place is noted and will be reported to the relevant authority.
2018/071 Chairman’s Report – NB had nothing to report since the additional meeting in August at which the S106 proposals were discussed.
2018/072 Apologies – The parish clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons given had been received from Mrs Shaw and Mr Eldridge plus D Cllr Mr Foster and C Cllr Mr T Ashton and it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence being accepted.
2018/073 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – from Mrs Dawson for item 17 on the agenda.
2018/074 To approve as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Council – It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED unanimously that the official minutes of the last meeting held on 7th August 2018 having been previously circulated were approved as a true record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated.
2018/075 Reports from District and County Councillors, Police and any other outside agencies – Mr Avison advised that the ELDC Chief Executive is retiring at the end of September and a replacement has not yet been appointed, but should be in place by 1st October. Mr Ashton, County Councillor has given his apologies for this meeting and wished for the clerk to express his concerns regarding the proposal submitted by the parish council to ELDC for the S106 monies. This was noted along with the date of the meeting Mr Ashton has with A Shorland later this month. The Police and RAF reports were received earlier in this meeting.
2018/076 To co-opt a parish councillor – Mrs Tyson was not present however Mr Fitter was present and following a short discussion it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that Mr Fitter is co-opted on to the parish council as a Thorpe councillor with immediate effect. The clerk was requested to chase Mrs Tyson to see if she was still interested. [2 members of the public left at 7.42pm]
2018/077 Clerks report on correspondence and matters outstanding:
a) GDPR forms – these are outstanding from 3 councillors and reminders will be issued in due course. Clarification is to be sought from LALC regarding data handling and the need for the clerk/council to be/have a Data Officer.
b) LALC AGM & Conference – this is to be held on 17th October and Mr Coulber and Mrs Kay are willing to attend on behalf of the parish council.
c) Christmas Lighting Ceremony – the date was agreed for installation of the tree on Sunday 25th November and Lighting Ceremony on Thursday 29th November. The clerk is requested to source the trees. The small trees for businesses are also to be organised as in previous years and Mr Singleton Cragg requested to be included in this scheme. The meeting also discussed installing the fairy lights onto the Market Place Trees and Mrs Dawson, Mr Singleton Cragg and Mr Adams have volunteered for this task. The clerk will purchase the batteries for the fairy lights in due course. Mr Graham Harness is also to be contacted regarding installation of the large tree and dismantling will be arranged for 6th January 2019.
d) Update on Church Yard Wall – as per the circulated document.
e) Update on Community Led Housing Scheme – as per the circulated document.
f) LALC networking and funding event – there was no-one available to attend this event.
g) Local Councils Networking day – the clerk is to attend this event.
2018/078 To report on S106 agreement proposal - The clerk advised the meeting of the conversation with Mr Ashton earlier today and his views on our proposals, and also of the exchange of emails with Mrs Shorland from ELDC regarding the matter. It is noted that to date that Mr Avison as our ward representative has not been involved at any point with this discussion and that all our ward members should be consulted in this process. Parish council representatives are keen to be involved and request a meeting as soon as possible.
The Chairman noted at this point that the discussion document relating to this matter had been circulated to a member of the public by a parish councillor and that this was not acceptable behaviour by a parish councillor and he reminded all councillors of the Code of Conduct which they have all signed up to and also of the 7 principles of public life.
2018/079 Tattershall Thorpe Remembrance – it is noted that Mr Eldridge is available to attend the training required for this event and that he will liaise with Mr Coulber following on from this.
2018/080 To report on Community Resilience Forum – as per the circulated document. The clerk advised the meeting of the Environment Agency leaflets which can be tailored to suit our parish and following discussion it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that there was no action to be taken.
2018/081 To consider costs of extra tree work and bat survey – parish council members considered the report and survey recommendations and it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to carry out the extra tree work however following discussion they did not consider that the bat survey was required.
2018/082 To consider extra sites for the Speed device – the details of the extra sites has been submitted to LRSP and to date no further communication has been received on this matter. This will be chased by the clerk.
2018/083 To approve costs for two bins – it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve the costs of £309 for two more bins in our parish.
2018/084 Update on refurbishment of 3 benches – the clerk reported that the quote received for repair of the benches was £?? for Cromwell and £?? for Curzon. Following discussion there was a proposal that the 2 Cromwell Place benches are replaced with one new one and that the Curzon bench is also replaced with a new one. This proposal will be formally submitted at the October meeting and will be precepted for in November. Mr Coulber confirmed that the benches are safe currently.
2018/085 To approve costs for new printer – This was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED at £111.62 plus VAT.
2018/086 To consider Youth Achievement Awards 2019 – there is nothing to report and the awards will go ahead in 2019.
2018/087 To consider business premises in the Conservation Area – the meeting discussed this matter and that it is not in keeping with the surroundings and the clerk was requested to report this matter to the enforcement at ELDC.
2018/088 Planning Matters:
a) S/175/01603/18 – 14 High Street, Tattershall. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to support this application.
b) S/175/01488/18 – Away Resorts. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to support this application and include our concerns over access roads on this site and the need to allow access for emergency vehicles at all times in our response.
c) S/175/00628/18 – Full Planning Permission has been given.
d) S/175/00960/18 – Full Planning Permission has been given.
2018/089 Financial Matters:
a) To approve Payment of Accounts – see attached accounts sheet and bank reconciliation. These payments were proposed, seconded and RESOLVED.
2018/090 Reports from Outside meetings – there were none.
2018/091 Items for next agenda are to include the roles and responsibilities of the Public Amenities committee. It is noted that Mrs Dawson and Mrs Kay will not be present at the October meeting.
a) Full Council Meeting – will be on Tuesday 2nd October 2018 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.58 pm.