FGP November 2024 Minutes
Notes of the Finance & General Purpose Committee Meeting
19th November 2024
Attendees: Cllr Chris Sivill (Chair), Cllr Serv Coulber, Cllr Marc Keeling, Cllr Caroline Dawson, Cllr Neville Edwards, Cllr Jacqueline Gravett and Sarah Kulwicki (Clerk)
Absences: Cllr Nick Brown
Meeting Commenced at 7:15pm
C1-22/23 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Nick Brown.
C2-24/25 To receive any declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations for items on the agenda not previously recorded on member’s register of interests
C3-24/25 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 21st November 2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.
The Chair signed the official minutes.
C4-24/25 To appoint an internal auditor
The clerk was asked to talk with other clerks to see if anyone would be available to do the audit and get some prices together.
C5-24/25 To review the Asset Register
Members present discussed the asset register; changes were made and will be brought to the next council meeting for approval.
C6-24/25 To review Financial Regulations
No changes have been made to the financial regulations. RECCOMENDED for the council to approve the financial regulations.
C7-24/25 To consider and review the draft budget including any future proposals
Proposed changes
• Increase clerks salary to £15,500 to allow for wage increase
• Employer National insurance to be increase due to the rise in contributions
• Audit fees reduced to £500.00
• Mobile phone reduced to £250
• Councillor and staff training increased to £600, to pay shared fees with other councils for clerks training and join LALC annual training scheme.
• Website services of £110.00. Website maintenance is still using remaining hours from 2022 which will need to be used by March 2025.
• £300 to be put into reserves for elections to ensure costs is covered for 2027 if needed.
• Grants S137 and other grants/ donations reduced to £1000
• Village Hall Wi-Fi, to stay the same as on rolling contract, the council can cancel at any time.
• 2 more speed signs to be purchased for Thorpe Road inbound and Lodge Road outbound.
• Christmas budget was decreased to £830 to cover trees and lights
• Flag replacement set to 0 as not required.
• The watering cost of £200, for 2 possible fill ups.
• Grass cutting increased to £9,000 to allow for John Ward to cut more areas.
C8-24/25 To consider the provisional Precept for 2025/2026
The provisional precept to be applied for is £33,471.61 compared to last year’s precept of £25,800.00 this will be an increase of 22.91%.
Summary of Draft Budget & Provisional Precept 2025-2026 |
Expenditure |
2025-2026 |
Code |
Budget |
Administration |
22,437.00 |
Grants |
1000.00 |
Community |
6350.00 |
Events |
1930.00 |
Maintenance |
2,850.00 |
Grass Cutting |
10,600.00 |
Cemetry Grounds |
2,000.00 |
47167.00 |
Reserves |
2025-26 |
Emergency Planning |
250.00 |
Staffing Reserve |
1,000.00 |
Church Yard & Wall Contingency |
3,000.00 |
Emergency Tree Surgery |
1,500.00 |
IT Repairs & Replacement Fund |
1,000.00 |
Village Projects |
2,000.00 |
Village Map / Guide |
100.00 |
Elections |
3,000.00 |
11,850.00 |
Income |
2025-26 |
Other Income |
5169.31 |
Grants |
0.00 |
5169.31 |
£37,667.47 |
C9-24/25 To confirm date of next meetings as:
Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 3rd December 2024 at 7.15pm