FGP November 2022 Minutes

Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council
Draft Notes of the Finance & General Purpose Committee Meeting
4th November 2022
Attendees: Cllr Caroline Dawson (Chair), Cllr Serv Coulber, Cllr Ian Wadsworth and Laura Allen (Clerk)
Absences: Cllr James Knowles (Vice-Chair), Cllr Neville Edwards (RFO) and Cllr Nick Brown
Meeting Commenced at 6.30pm
C1-22/23 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Neville Edwards and Cllr Nick Brown.
C2-22/23 Declaration of Interest and Dispensations - To record declarations of interest by any member of the council and to note any dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
None received.
C3-22/23 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 16th November 2021 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.
The Chair signed the official minutes.
C4-22/23 To consider and discuss the status of the Internal and External Audit
The Council’s failure to complete the internal and external audit process for the year ending March 31st 2022 was discussed. The Clerk confirmed that we are awaiting the new internal audit report to come through and that the Council would complete the process again by approving a new AGAR at the full council meeting on the 6th December 2022. This will be accompanied by explanations for why false statements were made on the previously partially submitted AGAR forms.
It was also noted that the Council will need to explain variances in Precepts and Total Other Receipts, however determining this information is being held back due to lack of bank access and a lack of invoices and receipts.
It was AGREED to check the Council’s files held at NB Law’s Office and if necessary for the Chair to write to the previous Clerk to attempt to obtain the 2021-2022 Accounting File and any other relevant paperwork that is currently missing.
C5-22/23 To discuss and review insurance policies and risk management practices
Documents showing Employers Liability, Insurance Policy Schedules, Statement of Fact and Special Events Guidelines were reviewed by the Committee and it was noted that our long term contract was set to expire in May 2024.
Issues with incorrect asset values and the population number recorded in the insurance documents were discussed. Amendments to the Insurance Policy will be considered at the next full council meeting.
Risk management was also discussed in relation to banking arrangements and signatories. Due to experiencing significant delays in banking access, it was RECOMMENDED that the number of signatories who are not active in the banking processes should being reduced to reduce risk.
C6-22/23 To review the Asset Register
Following a review of the asset register, it was AGREED that the asset register needs to be fully re-created over time and that clearer information is needed to separate asset value from insured value and to separate assets of value from items of insignificant value. It will also be beneficial to undertake a photographic approach to recording information on which assets the Council holds. This undertaking would be recommended as a project for councillors to assist the Clerk with in future.
C7-22/23 To review Financial Regulations
The previous version of the Financial Regulations adopted by the Council was based on the 2014 model adopted in December 2014. Following discussion and review of a new draft, it was RECOMMENDED to adopt an adapted version of the 2019 NALC Model Financial Regulations and to include version numbers for future reference and reviews.
C8-22/23 To review Finance and General Purposes Committee Terms of Reference
The Finance and General Purposes Committee Terms of Reference was previously approved at the full council meeting on the 7th December 2021. It was noted that this was a useful document for reference purposes and helpful for when more councillors join the Committee. An amendment was proposed to change the minimum number of councillors and some of the wording. This was RECOMMENDED to be put to full council.
C9-22/23 To consider and review the draft budget including any future proposals
Proposed changes
• Increase clerks salary to £8000 to allow for wage increase and overtime.
• Village hall hire adjusted to £330.
• Mobile phone contract renews 31st May 2023, to consider price reductions without landline number at a later date.
• Audit fees increased from £500 to £700.
• Cancel website maintenance service to save £360 per year
• Grants S137 increased to £1200 from to allow further grants to be made.
• Village Hall Wi-Fi, consider price comparisons at a later date after checking contract terms.
• Speed Signs currently have an annual maintenance cost of £648 per year to move the older signs, it was recommend to decommission the older signs and source two new signs which would be more effective and efficient. The approximate cost would be £4000 with no ongoing maintenance cost.
• Christmas budget was increased to £1250 to cover potential increase in costs from hiring contractors.
• Coronation budget was increase from £500 to £2000 to enable something special to be done as this would be a unique event that many have never experienced.
• Village Maintenance & Repairs reduced to £1500 and £500 made available for siding up.
• The watering cost was proposed to rise from the £168 paid to date to £500 as needs for watering are expected to increase.
In reserves:
• Emergency Planning was increased by moving £100 from the no longer needed village map and guide.
• Church yard and wall contingency was reduced by 1000 which would be moved to Staffing Reserve.
Summary of Draft Budget & Provisional Precept 2023-2024 |
Expenditure |
2022-23 |
2023-2024 |
Committee Meeting Revised Draft |
Code |
Budget |
Draft Budget |
Budget |
Administration |
13,660.00 |
12881.41 |
13775.41 |
Grants |
1,250.00 |
1200 |
1200 |
Community |
1,750.00 |
5219.84 |
4869.84 |
Events |
650.00 |
1560 |
3340 |
Maintenance |
3,900.00 |
4568 |
4600 |
Grass Cutting |
8,000.00 |
7800 |
8000 |
29,210.00 |
33,229.25 |
35,785.26 |
Reserves |
2022-23 |
2023-2024 |
Emergency Planning |
250.00 |
250 |
350 |
Staffing Reserve |
600.00 |
1000 |
1600 |
Church Yard & Wall Contingency |
4,856.00 |
3000 |
2000 |
Emergency Tree Surgery |
2,000.00 |
1500 |
1500 |
IT Repairs & Replacement Fund |
1,000.00 |
1000 |
1000 |
Village Projects |
3,000.00 |
2000 |
2000 |
Village Map / Guide |
100.00 |
100 |
0 |
Elections |
3,300.00 |
3,000 |
3000 |
15,106.00 |
11,850.00 |
11,450 |
Income |
2022-23 |
2023-2024 |
Other Income |
3,652.88 |
4216.15 |
4216.15 |
Grants |
0.00 |
0 |
0 |
3,652.88 |
4,216.15 |
4216.15 |
£24,950 |
£25,799.77 |
£27,955.77 |
3.4% Increase |
12% Increase |
C10-22/23 To consider the provisional Precept for 2023/2024
The provisional precept was rounded to £25,800 compared to last year's £24,950. The re-adjusted figure after recommendations made by the Committee will presented with alternatives for setting the budget and precept at the next full council meeting.
C11-22/23 To confirm date of next meetings as:
i) Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 6th December 2022 at 7.15pm
Meeting Closed 9.25pm