2019 Chair's Report

Chairman’s Report: 2018 – 2019.
Reflecting on the last year, I was initially tempted to conclude that nothing has changed.
And then I am reminded that there has been one somewhat apparently innocuous but actually significant step forward; finally, the essential remedial works at the Church wall have been completed. This will, I am sure, be music to the ears of each and every parish councillor, having been a feature of the council agendas for many years.
Additionally, agreement appears to have been reached with East Lindsey District Council regarding the funding for improvements in the Market Place. Whilst not wishing to tempt fate, I can perhaps do no more than express hope that at next year’s annual parish meeting the Chairman will be pleased to report that all works have been completed.
It is with sadness that the parish council finds itself with a number of vacancies as a result of the expiry of the last fixed four-year term of office of the councillors. Whilst it is pleasing that the majority of councillors were able to restand, unfortunately there are a handful of councillors who, for varied reasons, have decided not to continue in office. Being fully aware that it is inappropriate to name the individuals, it would, I am sure, be completely remiss of me not to make specific reference to Cllr Mrs. Gill Shaw, who was my immediate predecessor in the role of Chair and who was my inspiration to put myself forward for this role. Whilst Gill will no longer be sitting around the parish council table at the regular meetings, she will, I am sure, continue to be a driving force within the village.
As we have a number of vacancies to fill, I must once again express the wish that we will soon find ourselves with a full complement of councillors.
As ever, may I, on behalf of all the parish councillors, express thanks to the County and District Council Councillors and representatives of other outside bodies who have attended our regular meetings, ensuring that the members of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council remain aware of developments at higher levels of local government and public service.
And as my final year of office as Chairman of the parish draws to a close, may I personally thank Karen, our clerk, for all her hard work and seemingly tireless efforts in trying, usually with success, to keep me focused on the tasks in hand since I was honoured to be appointed Chairman six years ago in 2013, as well as to all of the councillors whose diligent service and expertise has made occupying the chair such a gratifying experience.
Nick Brown - Chairman, Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council, May 2019